October 15, 2024

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In a relative short period of 30 years, the Kansas University Hospital has transitioned from a poorly managed, almost-out-of-money hospital with dwindling patients, high turnover in faculty and doctors, poor staff morale with its leaders ready to put up a “Hospital For Sale” sign.  Today,

Years ago, Lawrence and the University of Kansas were looked to as having one of the nation’s best examples of a healthy, workable “town and gown” relationship.  City and university officials from throughout the country came to Lawrence seeking answers to, “What’s the secret?”  “How

Civic-minded individuals in several United States cities and a number of the world’s major metropolitan areas consider a fine world-class orchestra a hallmark of excellence and a demonstration of their appreciations of the arts. Millions of dollars are spent to hire skilled violinists, experienced greats in

The newspaper obit was short.  Only five lines. It reported: Thomas “Todd” Seymour, 95, of Lawrence died peacefully at home on Friday, December 2, 2022.   He was born on May 4, 1927 in Leavenworth, KS.   He was preceded in death by his wife, Jeannot, and is

For the past few months this writer has been trying to put together past experiences, memorable events and the history of his family.  As one longtime, but now dead friend told me, “You always need to have your bag packed as you never know when

On April 19, the Lawrence Journal-World carried a story reporting “The University of Kansas hopes to undertake a $40 million renovation of Watson Library, according to a new plan filed with the Kansas Board of Regents.”On June 8, the Journal-World had a story reporting “The

The state of Kansas is losing far too many of its outstanding high school graduates to other states. Likewise, Kansas University is losing an embarrassing share of these students to KSU and other smaller Kansas schools. KU administrators, alumni and friends enjoy referring to the University of

The death of Jon Wefald marks the end, the final chapter, of a remarkable lifetime of leadership, vision, hard work and success in the field of higher education. He’s gone but the tremendously good accomplishments he engineered will pay dividends for years for Kansas State

The headline on the front page of the Lawrence Journal-World stated: “University Senate Resolution: KU Has Become Toxic, Undemocratic”. The sub head reads “Leaders are asking Chancellor to create governance task force”.This probably understates the actual, overall environment of worry, frustration, disappointment, anger, uncertainty and